Branding 4 Resilience
Investigates the potential of branding in drawing the
resilient development of territories and communities
in four Italian inner areas through minimal tourist infrastructure.
The project
Branding4Resilience is a research project of national interest (PRIN 2017 - Young Line) coordinated by the Università Politecnica delle Marche with the Università degli Studi di Palermo, the Università degli Studi di Trento and the Politecnico di Torino. The project investigates the potential of territorial branding in drawing the resilient development of territories and communities in four Italian inner areas.
The project defines branding as an engine of development for more resilient habitats and communities that can be responsive and adaptive to contemporary challenges.
Resilience, combined with branding, shows the potential of territories and communities to be enhanced through co-design and co-visioning actions aimed at rediscovering place identity.
The project addresses the ‘slow’ contexts of Italian small villages and inner areas by enhancing resources and capabilities to shape high-quality habitats and innovative anti-fragile networks together with local communities.
The project aims to promote the territorial capital, the natural resources and the cultural heritage of fragile territories by means of strategies and economic and territorial enhancement projects.
B4R strongly aims to promote relational tourism in Italian ‘slow’ territories and to design minimal infrastructures through operative branding actions.
B4R in numbers