Places – Appennino marchigiano

Summary data:
- 9 municipalities
- 846,13 k㎡
- 32.471 inhabitants
- 39,79 inhabitants per k㎡

Appennino Basso Pesarese Anconetano

The Focus Area (FA) of the Appennino Basso Pesarese-Anconetano, which lies on the mountainside of the Umbria-Marches Apennines, is tangentially touched by two relevant historical roads, the Via Flaminia and the Strada Clementina. Located between the provinces of Pesaro-Urbino and Ancona, the Appennino Basso Pesarese-Anconetano is made up of 9 municipalities (Acqualagna, Apecchio, Arcevia, Cagli, Cantiano, Frontone, Piobbico, Sassoferrato and Serra Sant'Abbondio) and several small hamlets. The territory, which covers a surface of 846.13 km² and has 32,471 residents (Istat, 2019), is morphologically characterised by medium hills alternating with deep productive and ecological valleys, as is typical of the Marche Region. The settlement structure is characterised by small towns of Roman origin, medieval historical centres and rural villages, facing a slow and continued process of marginalisation.

This is caused by reduced accessibility, the lack of an adequate educational offer and the average distance of 24.65 km from DEA (Department of Emergency and Admission) hospital centres. The project proposal, within the framework of the National Strategy for Inner Areas, envisages the creation of a new hospitality network concept, involving all the municipalities, the so-called 'Asili d'Appennino - Le dimore della Creatività nelle Alte Marche'. B4R fits into this context to reactivate fragile territories through concrete actions focusing on places and local communities.